About Us

A brief history of TA Pharma

TA Pharma was founded by Dr Alan Hewitt and Clinical Professor Thierry Vancaillie in 2007. Their first project was to create a topical anaesthetic, which would improve patient tolerance of procedures such as the introduction of a contraceptive device into to the uterus.  

This led to the production of Pluscaine® a topical anaesthetic gel designed for use in procedures such as laser treatment of the vagina and vulva, insertion of intra-uterine device and in some patients prior to insertion of a speculum for inspection of the vagina and cervix

Since then Dr. Hewitt and Prof. Vancaillie have continued to collaborate with the objective to improve delivery of proven medications for topical applications with the aim to improve women’s health in the areas of bladder, bowel and sexual functions.

The women with pain after vaginal mesh prolapse surgery presented a particular challenge in the management of their pain. The efforts to improve the quality of life of these patients was the motivation behind the development of Mi-Gel

Thierry Vancaillie

Prof. Thierry G. Vancaillie

Dr. Vancaillie is a gynaecologist and pain medicine specialist. He is clinical professor in Women’s Health at the university of New South Wales, as well as founder and director of the Women’s Health and Research Institute of Australia in Sydney.   

Ever since his internship at the Katholieke Universiteit in Leuven, Belgium, Dr. Vancaillie has been interested in pelvic pain.  He co-authored a textbook Chronic Pelvic Pain, published by Cambridge University Press in 2014.

His most recent publication Pain after vaginal prolapse repair surgery with mesh needs to be treated was published by the Australian New Zealand Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology in 2018.

Dr Alan Hewitt PhD

Dr. Alan Hewitt was born and educated in the UK, gaining his Doctorate in Manchester.

Over a 24-year period with ICI plc. (now Astra Zeneca) Alan occupied varied roles in research & development before moving into marketing and business management, living and working in Europe, the U.S. and Asia.

Leaving ICI in 1998 Alan moved to Australia where he managed and consulted for several businesses before becoming GM at Australia’s original compounding pharmacy – Stenlake Compounding in Sydney. He was a pioneer in moving compounding towards pharmacy manufacturing and became involved with regulatory affairs, sitting on a TGA run technical expert reference group. He has been a regular speaker on compounding, business management and international marketing.

Alan Hewitt